Friday, April 8, 2016

First Day!

WOW! What a great first day!

Our plane landed on time and after clearing customs we meet our amazing tour manager Yvonne and our knowledgeable guide, Jú. Once boarding the bus we headed to the Belem Tower.  Belem Tower is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The tower was able to survive the massive earthquake of 1755. The tower was used as a defense structure as well as a prison. Ju explained to us the large history that Portugal has in navigation.  Portugal established lots of colonies along the African coast during 1427- 1503.

From there, we took a quick 5 min drive to the Jeronimos Monastery and Church. The monastery was named after Saint Jerome, who was alive during the 4th century and created the bible. The monastery is built from limestone, and designed in an architectural style known as, Manueline.

After seeing the old monastery, we made a quick a stop at the Royal Carriage Museum. We saw luxurious carriages that carried Kings and Queens.

After all the sightseeing, we headed to the hotel  to check in.  Next, we had a quick lunch, and then we had a little time to explore the town square outside our hotel in Lisbon, and do a little shopping.

Dinner was at the Nicola Restaurant. We had rice with duck (or not duck) and different types of mousse for dessert.

We are looking forward to another day of sightseeing tomorrow as well as meeting and performing with the Youth Orchestra from AMAC.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are all safe and enjoying Portugal. Beautiful country. I was there many years ago. And so glad that Jacqueline gets to see this place now with Solisti. Blessings to all!!
